The Illinois Telecommunications Act and the Future of the Internet In Illinois: An Interview with Organizer Michael Maranda - March 1, 2005
Our Media Odyssey - February 1, 2005
Chicago Colo: A New Internet Opportunity for Chicago - December 1, 2004
Review of "Dick: The Man Who Is President" by John Nichols - November 1, 2004
Big Media Bodyslam: Another Response to the Chicago Tribune - October 1, 2004
Chicago Cable Stories: Good News, Bad News - October 1, 2004
Chicago Tonight, Chicago Too White?: An interview about a study of Chicago public television - September 1, 2004
We're Cooking Now: Updates on some media activist efforts - August 1, 2004
Rapid City Memories: Chicago media activists embark on roadtrip to South Dakota to face the FCC - July 1, 2004
Public Access at the Crossroads: CAN TV's Funding Crisis Comes to a Head, for Better or Worse - June 1, 2004
You're on the air. Go ahead please: How I made my own radio broadcast and how you can too - May 1, 2004
We Are Everywhere: Global justice multimedia presentation featured at citywide arts festival launch - May 1, 2004
How Now Wow COW! -- Chicago Activists Use Clever Media Tool for Outreach Success - April 1, 2004
Great Radio Hope? The tale of two radio opportunities - March 1, 2004
Struggling for the Soul of WTTW: Public Broadcasting Going Private - February 1, 2004
Big Media: A Response to the Chicago Tribune - January 1, 2004
Big Brother at the Grocery Store: The RFID Fight and McCormick Place Activism - January 1, 2004